How to Get Rid of Leftovers of iHaxGamez in One Time
When people uninstall iHaxGamez on a Mac computer from Application, there is always a problem of how should eliminate all leftovers of iHaxGamez leaving behind in hard drive. If you can’t handle these remaining files of iHaxGamez, then you’ll find it stays with you anywhere “why it keeps showing in my computer when I opened some folders?”, “what can I do to completely get rid of these leftovers?”
Don’t worry anymore, therefore, this article will share the helpful tips to fully delete all leftovers which iHaxGamez remained in computer. Now try to delete them step by step by following the instruction.
Visit here to learn how to what is iHaxGamez and how to use iHaxGamez.
Little tips to remove iHaxGamez from App
>>Click the Finder icon in theDock and open a Finder window
>>Click Application on the left panel;
>>Select iHaxGamez icon (target) in the list;
>>Drag it straightly into Trash;
>> Or right-click it and choose “Move to Trash“;
>>Empty the Trash and Restart your Mac.
After drag iHaxGamez from Application folder into Trash, iHaxGamez is no more exist on your computer, but it’s located and installed files and components are still in it. So in the next step, you need to clean all leftovers of iHaxGamez from your Mac.
Important to Delete Leftovers of iHaxGamez on Mac
- Open “Finder“
- Go to Menu Bar, and select Go > Go to Folder…
- Type “~/library” in the box, hit Go
- Type the name of iHaxGamez in the search box of ~/Library
- Delete all the select targets then.
- Next search the files in the name of iHaxGamez in the most usual folders like Application Support, Caches and Preference
- Once they showed right-click to delete all of them
- Finally, right-click Trash, choose Empty the Trash to confirm your whole removal.
Unluckily, you might find one of them hide in ~Library/Saved Application States:
However, it is too difficult to most users to handle all leftover of unwanted apps on Mac, in most case, people would miss some files in computer, day by day, your computer has more extra “trashes”, so be careful with that.
Fast & safe to handle all leftover with helper
If the situation keeps happening on your computer, then you should to consider seeking help with some removal tool, like Osx Uninstaller, a professional automatic uninstall software, can surely solve the trouble for you immediately.
Designed for OS X operating system, OU can use for all installed apps on macOS. If you get problem with removing iHaxGamez, give it a try now.
In the automatic remover, uninstalling iHaxGamez once and for good altogether with its leftovers only need a few seconds:
- First select the target iHaxGamez, easily click Run Analysis;
- Then OU start to analysis iHaxGamez just like it said, more importantly, its files/folders and components will be scanned in step 2;
- Easily click Complete Uninstall to allow running the removal;
- Last but not least, wait for a little while, iHaxGamez and its entire components and remaining files and folders have been deleted on the app.
I learn from its official website, if you’d like to learn more details to completely remove iHaxGamez on Mac, hit this useful story for help now.